Saturday 30 April 2011

To start

Of dreams formed in darkened halls at 24 frames per second, and in the bright glow of analogue and digital video streams in living rooms. Images, burned into consciousness, form ideas and shape mannerisms, fill with dread and awe, and become part of everyday life.

The influence that film has had in my life has been vast, and cannot be related easily. That it could have had a complete different effect on you, is one of the joys of film; dividing us on merit and meaning one day, only to unite us in fright or wonder the next.

In these posts I’ll explore some of my thoughts and emotions on and caused by various films. Perhaps you’ll join me by sharing yours (to be clear, I know that right now I am addressing only myself – does knowing that you are crazy make you sane?). I was inspired (read nudged) into committing these ramblings into writing by an extraordinary young lady. I thank her and hope that she’ll continue to overlook and forgive my overindulgent tendencies.

Enough of that. The rambling will commence shortly.